Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Elm Beach Sand Berm...

The wind had died a bit as I got off work and headed home. The sun was out, but we had some beautiful cloud formations, so I stopped at the Elm Beach parking lot and took a few pics of what I found very beautiful.

The wind had erased much of the normally always present footsteps in the sand, so I had to capture that. Then, I was worried a gust would blow sand on camera so I quickly decided to leave. But a glance back showed the awesome light behind the palm, so I rolled down my window for one more quick shot.

Love moments like these!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Painted Sky

Got home from work this afternoon and plopped myself down and grabbed my laptop, ready to take care of a few things I'd been procrastinating about.   I was tired -- work had not been terribly busy, but let's face it,  Mondays tend to be a bit blue anyway.... ha ha. 

No one except my beloved doggies was home, and they came over and laid down near my chair, clearly unhappy that I'd chosen to sit down rather than grab the leashes.   As Hannah let out a big sigh, it hit me that they had been home, moping about, for much of the day, and what they needed was a good walk.

I didn't say a word, but went in and grabbed my camera, the leashes, and off we went. My laptop work would just have to wait. I had looked out and realized chances were good that if we hurried, we could catch the sun going down at the beach.

These are a bit color-saturated, but the clouds were truly amazing today, so I was happy I had taken my camera.  OH, and the dogs?  They couldn't have cared less about the camera OR the clouds, but they sure looked happy and satisfied when we returned home.  


Thanks for stopping  by!
♥ Jan

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Gifts from the Heart.....

I did not have nearly as much time as I'd hoped for over the past holiday season, but I did manage to squeak in some glass time! Not much....but a bit.  Any time I can do that, it's a victory for me.  I knew I wanted to give a few things to some loved ones, so I'd been thinking about some ideas and brought them to life.

This is a snow flake made for my son's girlfriend.  This was not my pattern. I found it in a book of colorful sun-catchers, but using a blue diamond, with iridescent glass along with glue chip and nuggets, sure made it look like a snowflake.    My daughter made several different designs from this book, all in glass similar to this, and gave them all away as gifts.  I think the recipients were quite pleased, from what she said.  I know my son's girlfriend seemed to like hers.

I should have gotten a better picture of it, perhaps back-lit, before I gave it away, but was running short of time and snapped these two shots before wrapping it up.  

This pattern was my design.  I drew it up one day and decided to go ahead and try and make one.  This one in particular was a gift for my niece and her family, who really like all things ROBOT.   I will for sure be making more of these, perhaps to sell to other robot fans, ha ha.  (I know you're out there.....!)

This was also my design, and I have more of these sweet seal faces to make, but out of the three I made, I gave one to my nephew and his family, and another to our dear friend, Amy, and I still have one available.   I  would like to make some in different colors, and perhaps with a patina too.  These were not really as easy as they look, but I think they came out kind of cute!

This one is a bit different than the one above.  Note the eyes are bit wider apart in this one, and it kind of changes the look about them.  I had made one before which had much longer  whiskers, but decided to clip them at the edge for longevity, ha ha.  The longer-whiskers just don't stay in place well, so I tacked them at the nose, and again at the edges of the cheeks.

Thanks for stopping  by!